- Country
- Admiral vacuum tubes
- Aero Electronics
- Amalgamated Wireless Valve Co.Pty.Ltd
- American
- Amperex vacuum tubes
- Amperite vacuum tubes
- Apollo
- Aquila Tubi Elettronicie Semiconduttori ATES
- Associated Electrical Industries (AEI)
- Baldwin
- Belvu
- Bendix Aviation vacuum tubes
- Bentley Acoustic Corporation vacuum tubes
- Brimar vacuum tubes
- British military (CV)
- Brush Electronics Company (BRE)
- Burroughs vacuum tubes
- Central Electronic Industries
- Cetron valves
- Chatham valves
- Chelmer Valve
- Cie. Ind. Francaise des Tubes Electroniques
- Columbia Broadcasting Systems
- Compagnie generale de telegraphie sans fil
- Cossor valves
- Cunningham valves
- Dumont
- Edison
- Ediswan
- Eimac
- Electro-Harmonix
- Electronic Enterprises Inc
- Electronic Tubes
- Electronic and Musical Industries
- Elektronska Industrija
- Emitron
- English Electric
- Ericsson
- Ever-Ready
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- Ferranti
- Fivre
- Future Electronics Corporation
- G V Controls
- G.E.C. (Genalex)
- Gammatron
- General Electric
- General Electric (GE)
- General Electronics
- General Radio
- Gilbert Photo-Electronics
- Haltron
- Heintz & Kaufman
- Hewlett Packard
- Hewlett Packard (HP)
- Hit-Ray
- Hitachi
- Hivac
- Honeywell
- Hughes Aircraft Company
- Hytron
- Ideal
- Inter Composants
- International
- International Telephone & Telegraph
- Joint Army Navy US (JAN)
- Ken-Rad
- Lewis & Kaufman
- Litton Industries
- Lorenz
- Marconi
- Mazda
- Mazda vacuum tubes
- Micron
- Militaire francais
- Miniwatt
- Motorola
- Mullard vacuum tubes
- National
- National Electronics Company
- National Union
- Neotron vacuum tubes
- Northern Electric
- Osram
- Ouest Composants
- Penta Laboratories
- Philco
- Philips
- RCA vacuum tubes
- Radio Corporation of America
- Radiotechnique
- Rand Radio und Fernmelde Technik
- Rauland & Borg
- Raytheon
- Realistic
- Remington Rand
- Rogers
- SB-Electronik
- Scoba
- Siemens
- Signet
- Sonotone
- Sovtek
- Sperry
- Standard Telephone and Cable
- Sylvania
- Tektronix
- Telefunken vacuum tubes
- Teonex
- Tesla
- Thomson CSF
- Thorn AEI
- Toshiba
- Trigon
- Tronal
- Tung-Sol
- Tungsram
- Ultron
- United Electronics Company
- Valvo
- Various
- Various manufacturer
- Visseaux
- Warren
- Werk fur Fernmeldewesen
- Western Electric
- Westinghouse
- Wurlitzer
- York
- Z & I Aero Services
- Zaerix
- Zenith
- Ballast
- Barretter
- Beam power amplifier
- Diode
- Diode pentode
- Diode tetrode
- Diode triode
- Diode triode pentode
- Double diode
- Double diode pentode
- Double diode tetrode
- Double diode triode
- Double tetrode
- Double triode
- Double triode pentode
- Full-wave rectifier
- Half-wave rectifier
- Heptode
- Hexode
- Klystron
- Magnetron
- Nixie
- Pentode
- Photo cell tube
- Quadruple diode
- Relay
- Tetrode
- Thermal delay switch
- Thyratron
- Triode
- Triode heptode
- Triode hexode
- Triode pentode
- Triode tetrode
- Triode twin pentode
- Triple diode
- Triple diode triode
- Triple triode
- Tuning indicator
- Twin diode twin triode
- Twin pentode
- Voltage regulator
- Type
All prices listed are in USD.
- Home
- Country
- Manufacturing
- Mazda
- Telefunken vacuum tubes
- Various manufacturer
- Joint Army Navy US (JAN)
- Sylvania
- Valvo
- Raytheon
- Hytron
- International
- Westinghouse
- Ediswan
- Mazda vacuum tubes
- Marconi
- Visseaux
- Radiotechnique
- Thorn AEI
- British military (CV)
- Cie. Ind. Francaise des Tubes Electroniques
- Militaire francais
- Rogers
- Radio Corporation of America
- Various
- Cetron valves
- Philips
- Lewis & Kaufman
- International Telephone & Telegraph
- General Electric (GE)
- Chatham valves
- Tung-Sol
- Haltron
- National Union
- General Electric
- Columbia Broadcasting Systems
- Neotron vacuum tubes
- Dumont
- RCA vacuum tubes
- Tektronix
- Ken-Rad
- National Electronics Company
- Motorola
- Litton Industries
- Siemens
- Miniwatt
- Zaerix
- Amperex vacuum tubes
- Hewlett Packard (HP)
- National
- Hitachi
- Realistic
- Sovtek
- Sonotone
- Teonex
- Philco
- Baldwin
- Signet
- Hit-Ray
- Toshiba
- Wurlitzer
- Bendix Aviation vacuum tubes
- Western Electric
- Gammatron
- Brimar vacuum tubes
- Cossor valves
- Ericsson
- Northern Electric
- Honeywell
- Remington Rand
- Mullard vacuum tubes
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
- Hughes Aircraft Company
- Hewlett Packard
- Electronic Enterprises Inc
- Eimac
- Ever-Ready
- Tungsram
- English Electric
- Standard Telephone and Cable
- Electronic and Musical Industries
- G.E.C. (Genalex)
- Electronic Tubes
- Osram
- Ouest Composants
- Bentley Acoustic Corporation vacuum tubes
- Future Electronics Corporation
- Chelmer Valve
- Ferranti
- United Electronics Company
- Emitron
- Amperite vacuum tubes
- Apollo
- Edison
- Warren
- G V Controls
- Rauland & Borg
- Z & I Aero Services
- Amalgamated Wireless Valve Co.Pty.Ltd
- Electro-Harmonix
- Admiral vacuum tubes
- Trigon
- Werk fur Fernmeldewesen
- General Radio
- Inter Composants
- Rand Radio und Fernmelde Technik
- Belvu
- Ideal
- Brush Electronics Company (BRE)
- Tesla
- SB-Electronik
- Burroughs vacuum tubes
- Hivac
- Ultron
- Scoba
- Associated Electrical Industries (AEI)
- Micron
- Cunningham valves
- General Electronics
- Elektronska Industrija
- Thomson CSF
- Aero Electronics
- Heintz & Kaufman
- Lorenz
- Tronal
- Central Electronic Industries
- Sperry
- Compagnie generale de telegraphie sans fil
- American
- Fivre
- York
- Gilbert Photo-Electronics
- Aquila Tubi Elettronicie Semiconduttori ATES
- Zenith
- Penta Laboratories
- Function
- Voltage regulator
- Pentode
- Full-wave rectifier
- Triode
- Diode
- Heptode
- Beam power amplifier
- Half-wave rectifier
- Diode pentode
- Double diode triode
- Diode triode pentode
- Twin pentode
- Double diode pentode
- Double triode
- Diode triode
- Triode pentode
- Thyratron
- Double diode
- Tetrode
- Tuning indicator
- Magnetron
- Klystron
- Triode heptode
- Hexode
- Triple diode triode
- Triple triode
- Double triode pentode
- Quadruple diode
- Twin diode twin triode
- Triode twin pentode
- Triple diode
- Triode tetrode
- Triode hexode
- Diode tetrode
- Double tetrode
- Double diode tetrode
- Ballast
- Photo cell tube
- Relay
- Nixie
- Barretter
- Thermal delay switch
- Type
- Country
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